The school grounds are unsupervised before 8am and, after the departure of the school bus in the afternoon. Please contact us should your child need to be in the school grounds during unsupervised
times. These procedures are important to safe-guard the welfare of your
children. The best
time for other students to arrive is at 8.30 am.
After school, bus students are supervised and they
are then required to wait quietly at the front gate until the bus
arrives. Students are not to leave the school grounds unless a teacher is presnet.
If you need to collect your child during school hours, please sign them out at the office before collecting them from the classroom. You will be given a sign out slip to be given to the teacher.
Daily timetable
8.45am |
First bell
Morning session commences
Morning tea - eating and play
Second session commences
Lunch break - eating and play
Afternoon session commences
Final bell